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What is Acoustic Trauma?

Description of the disease

Acoustic trauma is a damage to the auditory system that occurs as a result of exposure to intense noise. It can lead to hearing impairment or even loss of hearing.


  • Acute hearing damage
  • Chronic hearing damage


  • Ringing in the ears
  • Difficulty understanding speech in noisy environments
  • Hearing impairment


Acoustic trauma usually occurs from prolonged or intense exposure to noise such as loud music, gunfire, mechanical noise, etc.


Diagnosis is carried out using audiometry and other hearing tests.


Treatment involves wearing protective earplugs, avoiding noisy environments, using medications, and rehabilitation.


Preventive measures include avoiding prolonged exposure to intense noise, using protective earplugs, and regular hearing check-ups.


Diagnosis and treatment of acoustic trauma require consultation with an otolaryngologist.

Note: This material is provided for informational purposes only and is not medical advice.