Description. Centuary is considered to be one of the most useful bitter herbs. It acts on kidneys and liver, purifies the blood, strengthens digestive function, increases stomach secretions to assist with the breakdown of food, stimulates the appetite, and increases bile production. The whole herb is an appetizer, aromatic, bitter, cholagogue, diaphoretic, digestive, emetic, febrifuge, hepatic, homeopathic, poultice, stomachic, tonic, liver stimulant, and mild nervine. Centuary contains secoiridoids, alkaloids, phenolic acids, triterpenes, xanthone derivatives, phenolic acids, nicotinic acid compounds, traces of essential oil, oleanolic acid, triterpenes. Use. Centuary is used for high blood pressure and for the gall bladder and liver. In folk medicine, Centaury is employed to strengthen the bladder and prevent bed wetting, for constipation, colic, anemia, gas, heartburn, delayed menses, to lose weight, to destroy head lice, for gout, and for digestion. Centaury was considered a panacea, and was recommended for virtually any medical condition or disorder. Centaury is most commonly used when a digestive or gastric stimulant is needed and it is also utilized for heartburn, delayed menstruation, appetite loss and anorexia when liver weakness is involved, anemia, colic, cramps, constipation, metabolic disorders, diabetes, intestinal worms, kidney problems, jaundice, hepatitis, gallbladder and liver disease, heartburn, rheumatism, gout, to reduce fevers, and as a blood cleanser, a gentle laxative, and to lose weight.
Attention! Before using any herbal products, make sure that you have full knowledge of how the herb works and any adverse reaction it may cause.