Internally, it is taken for gastrointestinal diseases, hemorrhoids, gallbladder issues, bleeding, rheumatism, herpes, inflammation of the laryngeal mucosa, as well as for furunculosis, poorly healing wounds, migraines, nocturnal enuresis, atony of the bladder, and urolithiasis. Infusion with honey is one of the best remedies for liver and spleen diseases.
Method of application and dosage: Steep 2 tablespoons of raw material in 400 ml boiling water, infuse for 2 hours, strain, and take 1/2 cup 4 times a day before meals.
Externally, the infusion is used for rinsing the oral cavity in various inflammatory processes (tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis), for nasal congestion, and for washing wounds and ulcers, as well as for abrasions and bruises. Steep 5 tablespoons of raw material in 400 ml boiling water, infuse for 15-20 minutes, strain, squeezing the remaining raw material.
Contraindications: Individual intolerance. Use with caution for children and elderly people.
Composition: immortelle, peppermint, yarrow, coriander.
Liver and bile duct diseases: acute and chronic cholecystitis, hepatitis, cholangitis, dyskinesia of the bile ducts, postcholecystectomy syndrome.
Composition: nettle, knotweed, St. John's wort, plantain, rosehip.
Used for inflammatory processes in the kidneys, pyelonephritis, nephritis, and renal insufficiency.
Internally: Used as a diuretic for cardiac edema, antiseptic for diseases of the urinary tract and bladder. The tincture is recommended for use in diseases of the nervous system, alcoholism, and as a remedy to normalize sleep. It is also used as a therapeutic and analgesic for joint rheumatism, gout, and malignant tumors.
Method of application and doses: Infusion: Place 1 tablespoon of raw material in an enameled dish, pour 200 ml of hot boiled water, heat in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool at room temperature for 45 minutes, strain. The volume of the resulting infusion is brought to 200 ml with boiled water. The prepared infusion is stored in a cool place for no more than 2 days. Take 1/3-1/2 cup 3-5 times a day 40 minutes after eating.
Externally: In the form of baths and washes for diathesis and purulent wounds.
Contraindications: Individual intolerance, during pregnancy and in case of glomerulonephritis. Prolonged use is not recommended. Consult a specialist for kidney diseases.
Internally, linden flower infusion is taken for the following conditions:
Methods of administration and dosages: 2 tablespoons of crushed linden flowers are infused in 200 ml of hot boiled water, steeped for 20 minutes. Taken internally in a warm form, 1-2 cups 2-3 times a day after meals.
Externally, the infusion is used for:
Contraindications: Individual intolerance.