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What is Hypoglycemic Coma?

Description of the disease

A hypoglycemic coma is a condition that occurs due to an extremely low level of sugar in the blood. It is a serious complication of diabetes and can be life-threatening.


  • Hypoglycemic coma can be classified as severe, moderate, or mild depending on the level of glucose in the blood.


  • Increased sweating
  • Tremors in the hands and feet
  • Dizziness and weakness
  • Weakness and depression
  • Impaired consciousness and coma


Hypoglycemic coma usually occurs due to a dose error in insulin or other medications to lower blood sugar, prolonged periods of not eating, or consuming alcohol on an empty stomach.


The diagnosis of hypoglycemic coma is based on measuring the level of glucose in the blood and evaluating clinical symptoms.


The treatment of hypoglycemic coma involves intravenous administration of glucose or intake of sugary products, as well as correction of the dose of insulin or other medications.


Prevention of hypoglycemic coma includes regular measurement of glucose levels, adherence to a diet, control of insulin levels, and avoidance of alcohol on an empty stomach.


Treatment of hypoglycemic coma is carried out by an endocrinologist or therapist.

Note: This material is provided for informational purposes only and is not medical advice.