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What are Burns?

Description of the disease

Burns are damage to the skin and underlying tissues caused by exposure to high temperatures, chemicals, electricity, or radiation.


  • 1st degree burns - damage only to the top layers of the skin;
  • 2nd degree burns - damage to the top and middle layers of the skin;
  • 3rd degree burns - damage to all layers of the skin;
  • 4th degree burns - damage to the skin, subcutaneous fat, muscles, bones.


Symptoms of burns include pain, redness of the skin, swelling, blister formation, increase in body temperature, and general weakness.


Burns can be caused by contact with hot liquids, steam, open flame, sunlight, chemicals, or electric current.


The diagnosis of burns is based on visual inspection and assessment of the depth and extent of skin damage, sometimes requiring laboratory and instrumental studies.


Treatment of burns includes cooling the affected area, wound care, antiseptic treatment, and the use of anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving medications.


Prevention of burns includes observing safety measures when working with fire, hot surfaces, and chemicals, as well as using personal protective equipment.


It is very important to consult a traumatologist or surgeon for proper assessment and treatment of burns.

Note: This material is provided for informational purposes only and is not medical advice.