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What Is a Spinal Fracture?

Description of the disease

A spinal fracture is a serious injury that disrupts the integrity of the spinal bones. This condition is extremely dangerous and can cause disruption of bodily functions.


Spinal fractures are classified by the mechanism of injury, level of injury, degree of injury, etc.


Symptoms of a spinal fracture may include pain, loss of sensation, impaired movement, etc.


Spinal fractures can be caused by trauma, falls, accidents, and other injurious events.


Diagnostic methods for spinal fractures include X-rays, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and other research methods.


Treatment of a spinal fracture may include conservative methods (e.g., wearing a brace) or surgical intervention.


Preventing spinal fractures involves observing safety measures, strengthening muscles and bones, using protective gear during sports activities, and other measures.


Spinal fracture treatment is conducted by a neurosurgeon or an orthopedic trauma surgeon.

Note: This material is provided for informational purposes only and is not medical advice.