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What is Endometrial Polyp?

Description of the disease

An endometrial polyp is a benign growth that arises from the lining of the uterus. In most cases, endometrial polyps go undetected as they may be asymptomatic. However, some women may experience issues such as irregular menstruation, lower abdominal pain, and infertility due to polyps.


  • Simple polyps
  • Adenomatous polyps
  • Fibrous polyps


  • Irregular or heavy menstrual periods
  • Lower abdominal pain
  • Infertility


The exact causes of endometrial polyp formation are unknown, but there are some risk factors such as hormonal imbalance, inflammatory processes, and genetic predisposition.


Methods used to detect endometrial polyps include ultrasound, hysteroscopy, and biopsy.


Treatment for endometrial polyps may involve medication therapy or surgical removal. In some cases, assisted reproductive techniques may be necessary for infertility.


To prevent endometrial polyps, it is recommended to maintain a healthy lifestyle, regularly visit a gynecologist for check-ups, and monitor hormonal levels.


To diagnose and treat endometrial polyps, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist.

Note: This material is provided solely for informational purposes and is not a medical advice.