Description. Peppermint tincture is considered to have emetic, stimulant, and astringent qualities, and is used in diarrhea and as an emmenagogue. The local anesthetic action of Peppermint tincture is exceptionally strong. It is also a powerful antiseptic. Peppermint tincture has exhibited antiviral properties and may be helpful in for some viral conditions such as flu, mumps, sinusitis, sore throats, cold sores, and genital sores caused by herpes. Use. Peppermint tincture is used to relieve the pain of rheumatism, neuralgia, throat affections and toothache. It acts also as a local anesthetic, vascular stimulant and disinfectant. When used topically, it acts as a counterirritant and analgesic with the ability to reduce pain and tension. It is inhaled for chest complaints, and nasal catarrh, laryngitis or bronchitis. It is also used internally as a stimulant or carminative. On account of its anesthetic effect on the nerve endings of the stomach, it is of use to prevent sea-sickness and improve digestion. Also aids relief from muscular pains, varicose veins, sunburn and insect bites, lethargy and migraine.
Warning! Before using any herbal products, make sure that you have full knowledge of how the herb works and any adverse reaction it may cause.
Lugol solution acts as an antibacterial agent and can be used in cases of inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes and to prevent infection.
Do not use in cases of hypersensitivity, serious illnesses of liver and kidneys.
Recommended dosage:
Coat the mucous membranes of larynx and throat.
Side effects
Side effects include allergic reactions. In cases of long term use of the iodine preparation, or in cases of hypersensitivity to iodine, some symptoms of iodine poisoning may appear such as inflammation of the nasal cavities, hives, swelling of the abdomen and larynx (angio-neurotic edema), hyper-salivation, and tearing.
How to take lugol's iodine orally?
Only take internally after consulting a healthcare professional.
This tincture stimulates the neurons in the cerebral cortex, improves reflexes, and proves effective in cases of in various depressive states, insomnia and impotence. This tincture can be used to treat or to prevent various diseases of the central nervous system. Loss of muscle tone, fatigue, and weak nerves and increases capacities for work and resilience to stress or unfavorable environmental conditions. This product also increases the functional capacity of the cardio-vascular system. In the Far East the Ginseng is believed to preserve youth and to make life longer. Recommended dosage: Dilute 15 to 25 drops in warm water 3 times daily after meals. In Chinese medicine, the root bark of Siberian ginseng is used traditionally in swelling, muscle spasm and difficult urination. It is also given as a tonic in the elderly for tiredness, stress and lowered immunity. Siberian ginseng should not be taken continuously but used either for three months and then not for some time or as courses of one month with a two-month interval between them. Siberian ginseng is widely taken in Russia by athletes to improve their performance. The effect has been confirmed in controlled clinical trial. The herb is also said to strengthen the immune system and help prevent illness. Uncontrolled studies report that it generally improves the health of those convalescing or with mild health problems.
Valocormidum contains: Valerian tincture, Lily of the Valley tincture, Belladonna tincture, Sodium bromide, menthol, purified water. This product works as a sedative and tranquilizing and anti-spasmodic agent. Valocormidum is used for cardiovascular neuroses accompanied by rapid heartbeat, chronic cardiovascular problems, and for preventing attacks of angina. According to its composition and to its action it is similar to "Zelenin's drops". Recommended dosage: Take 10 to 20 drops 2 to 3 times daily before meals.
Warning! Before using any herbal products, make sure that you have full knowledge of how the herb works and any adverse reaction it may cause.
Description. Black Walnut is an antiseptic with antibacterial agents in the essential oil that combats infectious micro-organisms and bacterial infection. The large vitamin C content in Black Walnut is also thought to be responsible for fighting infection. As a vermifuge, Black Walnut is believed to cleanse the body of many types of parasites. Black Walnut Shell is considered a tonic that aids digestion and the intestinal system. It helps promote the appetite, relieve colic, heartburn and catarrhal enteritis. As a cholagogue, Black Walnut stimulates the flow of bile into the intestines and is thought to ease bilious colic and pain in the spleen. Rich in vitamin C and other important nutrients. Uses. Black Walnut is highly astringent, and this quality is said to shrink the sweat glands and reduce excessive sweating. For the relief of runny nose and head colds, nervous disorders; Black Walnut has been used for decades as a popular remedy to help dry up continual sinus discharges. Black Walnut is thought to possess detergent properties, and as such, it is used to cleanse the blood and alleviate scrofulous conditions, as well as acne, eczema and psoriasis, particularly in older people. It is said to relieve itching and promote the healing of the skin. Moreover, it is an antiseptic and antibacterial that combats infection and has been used in Germany for decades to clear sinus infection and runny nose. Black Walnut is thought to be an excellent treatment for fungal infection, relieving herpes, leprosy-type skin diseases, athlete's foot, cold sores and Candida albicans.
Warning! Before using any herbal products, make sure that you have full knowledge of how the herb works and any adverse reaction it may cause.
Stomach Drops have spasmolytic and calming effect. Components: Valerian extract, mugwort extract, mint extract, belladonna extract. The drops are recommended to be taken for cardio-vascular system neurosis, gastro-intestinal diseases, spasms (chronic gastritis and chronic colitis). These drops are valued for cholagogic, spasmolytic, carminative, appetite stimulating properties. Contradictions: hypersensitivity, glaucoma.
Capsicum tincture produces a local stimulant and analgesic effect. Use in cases of pain along the spinal nerves and other nerve endings, nerve root syndrome, inflammation of the voluntary muscles, lower back pain, and pain in the hips. Do not use in case of hypersensitivity. Recommended dosage: Rub the tincture vigorously into the affected areas and with much friction, as with liniments. Side effects include strong burning sensation and allergic reactions
Ingredients: Sweet flag Roots, Marigold Flowers, Nettle Leaves, Sophora Stem, Celandine Herbs, Eglantine Fruits, Chamomile Flowers. Homeopathic preparation has anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antiseptic, analgesic, antimicrobial effect on mucous tunic of mouth and parodentium. Uses: stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, mouth infections and inflammations. Dissolve 1 teaspoon in 1 cup of water and use as a gargle.
Warning! Before using any herbal products, make sure that you have full knowledge of how the herb works and any adverse reaction it may cause.
These substances can provide many benefits to the taker. Follow the directions that come on the outside label of the bottle. This will ensure that you obtain the best results. Depending on the condition, disease or symptoms you're having – you should choose one tincture over another. Tinctures are properties that are dissolved in a solution for the taker to consume easier. Look at our extensive selection to find out if we have a tincture that fits the needs that you have. All of which are 100% natural and made from the finest ingredients.