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What is Ear Trauma?

Description of the disease

An ear injury is damage to the ear canal, eardrum, or other parts of the ear. They can be caused by various traumas, including blows, falls, pressure changes, and exposure to loud noises.


  • Ear canal injury
  • Eardrum injury
  • Inner ear injury


Symptoms of an ear injury may include pain, bleeding from the ear, hearing loss, dizziness, and ringing in the ears.


Causes of ear injury may include blows to the ear, exposure to loud noise, changes in atmospheric pressure (e.g. diving underwater), and other factors.


Diagnosis of an ear injury includes a doctor's examination, audiometry, and sometimes computerized tomography.


Treatment may vary depending on the nature and severity of the injury. It may include wearing ear protection, medication, surgery, and rehabilitation.


Preventive measures include using ear protection, preventing blows and falls, and handling pressure changes with care.


An otolaryngologist (ENT) treats ear injuries.

Note: This material is provided for informational purposes only and is not medical advice.